Sunday, 6 March 2011

That one special thing

Action and reaction. Love and hate. Life and death. Each one of these seem to be miles apart from what (by definition) is its complete opposite, and yet none of them is able to exist without the other. Run Lola Run is the perfect example of how important it is to live every second as if it was the most important thing in the world and about the importance of love. While watching this movie it is impossible to avoid thinking what would have happened if only one thing had happened differently. We are who we are, not by the way we look, nor the people we hang out with; we are who we are because of the choices we make.

Firstly I will say, sustain and against all my instincts assure, that love can overcome anything. "Can love get me 100,000 marks in twenty minutes?" this is how Mani attacks my argument, and in the end, the answer to this question is yes. Lola fights the system, not caring about anyone, or anything but the life of the man she is in love with, which in this case is the very man who (apparently) questions her in the first place. Lola is literally running for her life, for in her beloved she finds more than just somebody to love, she finds a reason to live. She risks everything to save what she cherishes the most, and in a couple of cases paying a very high price for it. Death is a powerful enemy of Lola, for when she fails to complete what she proposes herself to, this dark angel appears. Maybe the story is not exactly about love, and yet every action, every jump, and every decision made by Lola are taken in order to avoid losing her boyfriend. 

Secondly, how many times have we not insulted someone who has done us, or someone else harm? Do we ever stop to think that simple act maybe our death sentence? Is it fair we die because of being in the wrong place at the wrong time? Not even good deeds assure we are going to have a happy life, so, what have we left? The only answer to all these questions is that life is unpredictable and there is nothing we can do about it. In the movie all three stories depend on timing. In the first one Lola is too early, in the second one, she is late, and in the third one we say she is right on time although this can only be said because she gets what she wants. All the actions taken are determined by the attitude Lola assumes when dealing with other people (or animals). Although in every case she wants desperately to save Mani, the outcome is affected by what she does when she is confronted with adversity.

Thirdly, as humans we will always have to deal with one and only question throughout our lives. A question that makes us regret or treasure our decisions unlike any other we can imagine: what if? What if Lola had not gone to her dad in the first story? or what if Mani had not lost the money in the first place? or even what if Lola and Mani never met at all? Decisions make you, but you do not always get what you decided for. Even the dog we see at the beginning of each story plays an important role, for that single encounter leads to another event, and another, and another, in a chains that keeps developing until the very resolution of each. Lola finds out the hard way that even our greatest effort is worth nothing when we are not lucky. But, can we call it luck, or just and unfortunate unravelling of our own choices? We will never know, but that is what makes life interesting in the first place.

Life is but a dream, a dream in which we only play a very small part. Sometimes it is the most fantastic experience you can have, others, it is just a wicked nightmare from which we cannot wake up. Can we really regret something we did or left undone? If we could change anything, would we? I mean, you are right were you are thanks to all those decisions you have ever made. This is why I believe (and you probably should consider this opinion as well) that we are who, and what we are thanks to the decisions we make every second of our lives.

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